In May 2023, Volvo Cars published its updated Green Financing Framework to reflect its ambitious sustainability strategy and the integration of the most recent and advanced market practices and standards. The Framework defines how Green Financing Instruments are set up within Volvo Cars to financially accompany the Group’s sustainability journey towards becoming a fully electric car maker by 2030 and a climate neutral company by 2040.
Where feasible, Volvo Cars will prioritise projects that are considered to be aligned with the EU Taxonomy, with particular focus on those that meet the technical screening criteria for climate change mitigation. In assessing these projects, Volvo Cars will consider the substantial contribution, DNSH and minimum social safeguards criteria.
The Framework has been developed to align with the 2021 ICMA Green Bond Principles (including the updated Appendix I from June 2022) and the 2023 LMA, LSTA, APLMA Green Loan Principles. In addition, the Framework has been designed to be consistent with the EU Proposal for a European Green Bond Standard, when relevant and feasible.