Board of Directors

Anna Mossberg

Board member

Born 1972. Board member since 2022.

Education and professional experience:  MBA from Stanford University, USA, MBA from IE University, Spain, Master of Industrial Engineering and Management from Luleå Technical University Sweden. Previous experiences includes CEO of Silo AB, Business Area Manager at Google Sweden, Senior Vice President Strategy and Portfolio Management at Deutsche Telekom AG, CEO of Bahnhof AB and Vice President of Telia International Carrier AB. Previous board member and member of the Audit Committee in Schibsted ASA and Byggfakta AB.
Principal activities and current Board assignments and similar outside of Volvo Car Group: Board member and member of the Finance and Strategy Committee in Swisscom AG, Board member in Orkla ASA, Board member and member of the Remuneration and Sustainability Committee and Audit Committee in Swedbank AB, Board member and member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee in Ringier AG.

Independent in relation to the company and Executive Management Team as well as the company’s major shareholders.
Holdings in Volvo Car AB, own and related parties, as per 31 December, 2023: 2,116 B shares.