Change in number of shares Total number of outstanding shares
Year Event Common shares of class A Common shares of class B Preference shares of class C Total Change in share capital, SEK Common shares of class A Common shares of class B Preference shares of class C Total Quota value per Share, SEK Total share capital, SEK
Input 50 000 000 500 000 50 500 000 1,00 50 500 000
2019 Redemption of preference shares -500 000 -500 000 -500 000 50 000 000 50 000 000 1,00 50 000 000
2019 Directed new issue of preference shares 1 138 794 1 138 794 1 138 794 50 000 000 1 138 794 51 138 794 1,00 51 138 794
2021 Redemption of Preference Shares -1 138 794 -1 138 794 50 000 000 50 000 000 1,00 50 000 000
2021 Bonus Issue 1 138 794 50 000 000 50 000 000 1,02 51 138 794
2021 Conversion of common shares of class A to common shares of class B -12 735 850 12 735 850 37 264 150 12 735 850 50 000 000 1,02 51 138 794
2021 Share Split 1 825 943 350 624 056 650 2 450 000 000 1 863 207 500 636 792 500 2 500 000 000 0,02 51 138 794
2021 New Issue 377 358 490 377 358 490 7 719 063 1 863 207 500 1 014 150 990 2 877 358 490 0,02 58 857 857
2021 Issue in Kind 1 721 903 1 721 903 35 222 1 863 207 500 1 015 872 893 2 879 080 393 0,02 58 893 080
2021 Directed Share Issue to the Preference Shareholders 100 443 786 100 443 786 2 054 630 1 863 207 500 1 116 316 679 2 979 524 179 0,02 60 947 709
2021 Additional conversion of common shares of class A -1 863 207 500 1 863 207 500 2 979 524 179 2 979 524 179 0,02 60 947 709

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